Let’s get creative!

Today I decided to start a blog about my creative life! I write a monthly newsletter which I send out as an e-mail to close friends and family all over the world. In it I ramble on about what we have done in the month (it is QUITE amazing to see what we actually do do every month – our lives are anything but boring!!), as well as document what I have started and/or completed in my crafts in that month.

DH suggested I do a blog, in which I can document the processes as I go along, and hopefully encourage other crafters to try out new things and techniques, but to also get new inspiration and ideas from fellow-crafters and interested people!

Please feel free to comment and give me constructive feedback!

14 thoughts on “Let’s get creative!

      1. Very nice layout and great contents! I envy you your creativity and enjoy following your projects!

  1. What a great idea. Congratulations on your blog. It will be interesting to follow your work.

  2. Goeie idee, jy is nog altyd vir my ‘n inspirasie, gaan jou beslis volg Margaretha

  3. Jy is n ware inspirasie! Jy vat brei en hekel na n next level wat wk nog nooit in ons land gesien het nie. Sterkte met jou blog en ek volg graag.

  4. Your blog is well-designed. I love the intuitive feel…and of course I am impressed with your projects! Keep it up!

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