Bedside rug

I finally finished DH’s bedside rug. It is woven on 4-shafts, and the structure is Boundweave. The pattern can be found in Handwoven Magazine Mar/Apr 2019.

This is a very nice weave structure for a mat as it makes it quite thick and cushiony, ideal for a bedside rug. The wool I used is handspun (a friend gave it to me) in cream and brown. I vat-dyed some of the cream to give me the turquoise. I had to dye 2 batches of turquoise so the resulting colours are not identical. I think it adds to the charm of the rug, though! Some of you might disagree with this sentiment!

The warp is made of cotton. I hemmed it with a Damascus edge, as was suggested in the pattern I followed.

Starting the Damascus Edge
Close-up of the design

I finished it the day before I went to the Fibre Breakaway!

The bedside rug in place